Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally on Sept. 25, 2021, in Perry, Georgia.
One-time President Donald Trump speaks at a rally on Sept. 25, 2021, in Perry, Georgia. (Sean Rayford/Getty Images)
A pie chart showing that two-thirds of Republicans want Trump to remain a major political figure, with 44% saying he should run again in 2024

Two-thirds of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say they would similar to come across erstwhile President Donald Trump continue to be a major political effigy for many years to come, including 44% who say they would like him to run for president in 2024, co-ordinate to a Pew Research Center survey of U.Due south. adults conducted Sept. thirteen to nineteen.

About one-in-five Republicans (22%) say that while they would similar Trump to continue to exist a major political figure in the Us, they would prefer he use his stature to back up another presidential candidate who shares his views in the 2024 election rather than run for role himself. Well-nigh a tertiary of Republicans (32%) say they would not like Trump to remain a national political effigy for many years to come.

Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand the public's opinions on Donald Trump'southward political time to come, including whether he should potentially run for president in 2024. This study also examines what Republicans and Democrats consider acceptable behavior for elected officials inside their own parties. For this analysis, nosotros surveyed 10,371 U.S. adults in September 2021. Everyone who took function in this survey is a fellow member of the Center's American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey console that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of option. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.Due south. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, instruction and other categories. Read more than about the ATP's methodology.

Here are the questions used for the report, along with responses, and its methodology.

A line graph showing a rise in the share of Republicans who want Trump to remain a major political figure

The share of Republicans who say Trump should proceed to be a major national effigy has grown 10 per centum points – from 57% to 67% – since a Jan survey that was conducted in the waning days of his administration and in the firsthand wake of the Jan. 6 anarchism at the U.S. Capitol.

Views amid Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents are essentially unchanged over this time period. Today, 92% of Democrats say they would not like to see Trump continue to exist a major national political figure in the future, while only 7% say they would like to see this.

Among Republicans, views on whether Trump should continue to be a major political figure or run for office in the next presidential election vary past age, pedagogy and ideology.

A bar chart showing demographic and ideological differences within the GOP over Trump's future political role in the U.S.

For example, 72% of Republicans with some college experience or less (who make upwardly a clear majority of Republicans) say Trump should be a major figure, with one-half saying he should run for president in 2024. By contrast, a narrower bulk (54%) of Republicans with a higher degree or more than say Trump should remain a prominent figure, including but 28% who say he should run for office in the side by side presidential ballot.

Among conservative Republicans, there is widespread support for Trump remaining a national political figure: 3-quarters prefer this, including 49% who say he should run for president again in 2024. Moderate and liberal Republicans are more divided: 51% say he should play an ongoing political office, with 33% saying he should run for president himself in 2024; 47% say he should not continue to play a major political role.

Near two-thirds of Republicans say their party should not be accepting of elected officials who criticize Trump

A 63% bulk of Republicans say their political party should be not likewise (32%) or not at all (30%) accepting of elected officials who openly criticize Trump, according to the new survey. Just 36% of Republicans say the GOP should be very (11%) or somewhat (26%) accepting of officials who do and so.

A bar chart showing that Democrats are more open to criticism of Biden within their party than Republicans are to criticism of Trump

By contrast, about vi-in-10 Democrats say the Democratic Party should exist very (17%) or somewhat accepting (40%) of Democratic elected officials who openly criticize President Joe Biden.

Majorities of Republicans and Democrats alike say their party should be accepting of elected officials who agree with the other party on important issues. Two-thirds of Democrats say the Democratic Party should be accepting of Democratic officials who concord with the GOP on important bug. A slimmer bulk of Republicans (55%) say the GOP should be accepting of officials who agree with Democrats on some of import issues.

The survey also asked about the acceptability of elected officials from one political party calling their counterparts in the other political party "evil." A majority of Democrats (57%) and most half of Republicans (52%) say their parties should be not besides or non at all accepting of officials who do this.

About iv-in-ten Democrats (41%) say their party should exist accepting of elected officials in their own political party who telephone call GOP officials evil, with 13% saying their party should be very accepting of this. Among Republicans, 46% say their party should exist accepting of officials who call their Democratic counterparts evil, including eighteen% who say the party should be very accepting of these officials.

A bar chart showing that smaller shares now say their parties should accept elected officials who openly criticize Trump or Biden

The share of Republicans who say their party should be accepting of elected officials who openly criticize Trump has declined since March. Today, 36% of Republicans say it is at to the lowest degree somewhat acceptable for Republican elected officials to openly criticize Trump, down from 43% earlier this year.

In that location has too been a decline in the share of Democrats who say their party should exist accepting of Autonomous elected officials who openly criticize Biden. A narrow majority of Democrats (57%) say this is acceptable, down from 68% in March.

Annotation: Hither are the questions used for the report, forth with responses, and its methodology.

CORRECTION: (December. 20, 2021): In the chart "Demographic, ideological differences within GOP over Trump's future political function in the U.S.," the age label for "50+" has been updated to correct a typographical error. This change did not touch on any findings reported in the text.

Amina Dunn is a research analyst focusing on U.S. politics and policy at Pew Research Center.